ICTQual Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving

In moments of crisis, having the knowledge and skills to provide basic life-saving interventions can make all the difference. Whether you’re considering a career in healthcare or simply want to be prepared to help in emergencies, the Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving offers a solid foundation in essential life-saving techniques.

The Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving is a comprehensive introductory course designed to equip participants with the fundamental skills needed to respond effectively in life-threatening situations. From assessing a casualty to performing CPR and using an automated external defibrillator (AED), this course covers critical interventions that can significantly improve outcomes for individuals in cardiac arrest or other medical emergencies.

The Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving is not just a course; it’s an opportunity to acquire invaluable skills that can potentially save lives in emergencies. Whether you’re motivated by a career in healthcare or simply want to be a prepared and capable bystander, this course equips you with the knowledge and confidence to act decisively when seconds count. Start your journey towards becoming a certified life-saver today and be ready to make a positive impact in your community.

All About ICTQual Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving

Course Overview

The Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving is a foundational certification course designed to equip individuals with essential skills and knowledge to respond effectively in life-threatening emergencies. This course focuses on teaching basic life-saving techniques that can be crucial in providing immediate aid to individuals experiencing medical emergencies such as cardiac arrest, choking, or severe injuries.

The Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving provides foundational training in essential life-saving techniques, empowering participants to act swiftly and effectively in emergencies. Whether you’re pursuing a career in healthcare, public safety, or simply want to be prepared to help others in need, this course offers valuable skills that can make a significant difference in life-threatening situations. It’s an investment in personal and community safety, ensuring readiness to respond when seconds count the most.

Study Units

  • Introduction to Basic Life Saving
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use
  • Airway Management and Rescue Breathing
  • Choking Emergencies
  • Emergency Response and Scene Management

Admission Criteria

  1. Healthcare Professionals:
    • Nurses, doctors, medical assistants, and other healthcare professionals who require basic life-saving certifications as part of their professional development and job requirements.
  2. First Responders:
    • Police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and other emergency response personnel who need to maintain proficiency in CPR, AED use, and first aid skills for their roles.
  3. Workplace First Aiders:
    • Employees designated as first aiders in workplaces, ensuring they can effectively respond to medical emergencies that may occur on-site.
  4. Educators and Coaches:
    • Teachers, sports coaches, and instructors who work with children, adolescents, or individuals participating in sports and recreational activities, where the risk of accidents or medical emergencies may be higher.
  5. Community Members:
    • Individuals who want to be prepared to provide immediate assistance in emergencies that may arise in everyday life, whether at home, in public settings, or during leisure activities.
  6. Parents and Caregivers:
    • Parents, guardians, and caregivers who want to learn life-saving techniques to protect their families and respond effectively to medical emergencies involving loved ones.
  7. Volunteers and Community Leaders:
    • Volunteers involved in community organizations, youth groups, or local initiatives where basic life-saving skills can enhance community safety and well-being.
  8. Anyone Interested in Personal Development:
    • Individuals interested in acquiring valuable skills that can make a significant difference in critical situations, contributing to personal confidence and preparedness.

Benefits of Taking the Course:

  • Emergency Preparedness: Gain the knowledge and skills to confidently respond to cardiac arrests, choking incidents, and other life-threatening emergencies.
  • Certification: Obtain recognized certification that meets regulatory and workplace requirements, enhancing employability and career prospects.
  • Community Impact: Make a positive impact by being prepared to save lives and provide immediate assistance in emergency situations.

Ideal Candidat

Minimum Age:

  • Applicants must be at least [minimum age requirement, e.g., 16 years old] at the time of enrollment.

Educational Background:

  • There are generally no specific educational prerequisites required to enroll in the Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving course. However, a basic understanding of reading, writing, and numeracy skills may be beneficial.

Physical Fitness:

  • Participants should be in good physical condition to undertake practical components of the course, which may involve kneeling, bending, and performing chest compressions during CPR training.

Health and Medical Fitness:

  • Candidates must have sufficient physical and mental health to participate in activities involving CPR, AED use, and other emergency response techniques. This may require the ability to lift and move patients or mannequins during training exercises.

Language Proficiency:

  • Proficiency in the language of instruction (e.g., English) is necessary to understand course materials, follow instructions during practical demonstrations, and communicate effectively in emergency scenarios.

Commitment to Safety and Public Service:

  • Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to safety, ethical conduct, and the willingness to help others in life-threatening situations.

Additional Requirements:

  • Some training providers may require applicants to undergo a criminal background check or provide evidence of immunizations (e.g., tetanus shot) before participating in practical sessions.

Learning Outcome

. Introduction to Basic Life Saving

  • Understand the importance of basic life-saving interventions in emergency situations.
  • Identify key principles and ethical considerations related to providing first aid and life-saving assistance.
  • Describe the role of a first responder and the importance of prompt action in saving lives.

2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

  • Demonstrate proficiency in performing CPR on adults, children, and infants.
  • Recognize the signs of cardiac arrest and initiate appropriate CPR techniques promptly.
  • Explain the importance of effective chest compressions and rescue breaths in maintaining circulation and oxygenation.

3. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use

  • Operate an AED safely and effectively in accordance with manufacturer instructions and regulatory guidelines.
  • Identify when and how to use an AED to deliver electrical shocks to restore normal heart rhythm.
  • Demonstrate confidence in integrating AED use with CPR techniques to maximize survival outcomes in cardiac arrest scenarios.

4. Airway Management and Rescue Breathing

  • Assess and manage the airway of a conscious or unconscious casualty to ensure adequate breathing.
  • Demonstrate proper techniques for providing rescue breaths to individuals in respiratory distress or cardiac arrest.
  • Explain the importance of maintaining an open airway and addressing potential airway obstructions during rescue operations.

5. Choking Emergencies

  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of choking in conscious and unconscious individuals.
  • Perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver) and other appropriate techniques to relieve airway obstructions effectively.
  • Provide reassurance and ongoing support to choking victims until the obstruction is resolved or professional medical assistance arrives.

6. Emergency Response and Scene Management

  • Assess the scene of an emergency and ensure safety for oneself, bystanders, and the casualty.
  • Communicate effectively with emergency services and provide clear and concise information about the situation.
  • Coordinate resources and assist in managing the scene to optimize care and support for the casualty until professional help arrives.

FAQs about  ICTQual Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving

The Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving is a certification course that provides participants with essential skills and knowledge to respond effectively in life-threatening emergencies. It covers techniques such as CPR, AED use, airway management, and choking interventions.

This course is ideal for healthcare professionals, first responders, workplace first aiders, educators, parents, caregivers, volunteers, and anyone interested in learning life-saving skills. It’s suitable for individuals who want to be prepared to handle medical emergencies in various settings.

Participants will learn how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on adults, children, and infants; use automated external defibrillators (AEDs); manage airways and provide rescue breathing; handle choking emergencies; and effectively manage emergency scenes.

The duration of the course can vary depending on the training provider and the format (e.g., full-day workshop, multi-session classes). It typically ranges from one day to a few days.

Yes, participants who successfully complete the Level 1 Award in Basic Life Saving course will receive a certification that is recognized and may meet regulatory and workplace requirements for basic life-saving skills.

  • Certification renewal periods vary by organization and regulatory requirements. Typically, certifications such as CPR and AED need to be renewed every 1-2 years to ensure skills remain current and effective.

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